Knowledge of the Science of Consciousness as Perceiving Cosmos
by Achintyachintaka on 28 Oct 2012 10 Comments
Much confusion was created when the words devas, devatas, and devis, originating initially from the time of the Vedas (knowledge), (that were compiled and trans-generationally transmitted accurately through oral tradition,) were translated into English as gods and goddesses.  The words have to be understood in the context of the Vedas. Agnim ile purohitam: Rigveda begins with this bold statement as an axiom of the knowledge of the science of consciousness.
Human Consciousness, attempting to comprehend the cosmos, had by then (when the Vedas were composed) comprehended that transformation from one state of existence to another is the fundamental nature of Cosmos. The agency or catalyst or enzyme that facilitated such transformation is ‘agni’. This principle of nature when appreciated cognitively illuminates the consciousness to accept the nature of Brahman as constantly changing, and Agni is recognized as a cosmic force within and without the perceiver and in the ‘Brahman’. Agni very much exists eternally in the Universe or cosmos, but becomes a deva for human consciousness only when its nature is recognized and comprehended, and then it becomes worthy of devotion as it regulates every transformation in the Universe and within the microcosm.

Agni, thus, is not just “fire”, but fire is only one form of Agni or is a symbol of this cosmic principle. (Let us not demean the sages as believing there is fire in the stomach when they recognized the enzymes transforming food into energy as “jatharaagni”)

When consciousness is thus illuminated there is a deep insight into the nature of Brahman and its workings. When such enlightenment takes place, the principles perceived and comprehended are termed ”devas”, meaning the enlightening ones, or the ones perceived as illuminated (Bright Ones). The magnificence of Agni, when comprehended, naturally arouses awe and humility as one's existence itself is so very dependent on this cosmic principle.

Varuna Devata

All life on earth began in the ocean. Ninety five percent of the human being is this “ocean” maintained at 0.9% (normal) saline. The oceans for time immemorial mostly maintained salt concentration at 0.9 % (so also the normal saline in living beings). It is mind boggling for the seeker of knowledge of this Universe or Brahman to understand the cosmic principle that makes this “constant” possible. The cosmic force, Varuna, comprising this principle deserves the same status as Agni for the existence and survival of all living beings which are all closely linked to Varuna as they are to Agni. Human Unconscious mind knows that, but has to gain this insight when it reveres the devatas like Agni and Varuna.

Indra Devata

There is no life without electrical energy. All activities of living cells and movements, thinking, mind and consciousness itself are manifestations of Indra. This energy principle is seen in the microcosm of the living being and also in the macrocosm. The “weapon” of Indra is lightening (thunderbolt). He rules over all the “devas” because it is his workings that make consciousness itself possible and certainly the very existence of the conscious perception and intuitive comprehension of all devas and devatas will not be possible if Indra was not operating.

Simply speaking, these are illustrations to submit to the reader that Devas and Devatas (Devis) are the phenomena of the science of consciousness.” Consciousness perceives these cosmic principles and becomes enlightened and therefore these are called Devas and Devatas. These are all real phenomena of nature and consciousness and not imaginary concepts like “god”.

There is no question they exist. They exist wherever Hindus exist and perceive and comprehend them as Devas and Devatas, and therefore, these Devas and Devatas were to be recognized as originally conceived in Bharat, the Punya Bhumi of Hindus where Vedas were compiled and preserved.

The science of attuning the minds of the people to harmonize them with the forces of cosmos known as devas and devatas was the “Agama Shastra” derived from the Vedas. Only by attuning to these devas and devatas was the consciousness to reach closer to comprehending the nature of Brahman.

In the science of consciousness (Vedas), knowledge is imparted step by step as we can clearly see and understand now in the light of what is illustrated above. Not even Vedas start with the word Brahman.

Every child starts its education with the three R's and none of the three R's stand for the “Relativity” theory of Einstein!

If this is true for the science of Physics that a child needs to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic (3 Rs) before coming to grasp quantum physics many years later, if he/she ever reaches that cognitive capacity, why should anyone insist that everyone including a beginner should first immediately comprehend the nature of Brahman in the science of consciousness? It is the Devas and Devatas that will lead him/her to Brahman.

Indian Hindus have preserved the building blocks of the science of consciousness. Many of the Devas and Devatas are nothing but the stepwise climb to the realization of Brahman if consciousness is permitted to become enlightened by each of them in due course. Hindus do not have to blindly accept any imaginary god/s no matter who says what about having and possessing the “word of god.”

Vedas are the original guide for all Hindus in the exploration of the Science of Consciousness. The Vedas assert that Devas and Devatas exist, and it is for Hindus to comprehend what Vedas are trying it illustrate. Vedas are not “god's words” but discoveries in the field of Science of Consciousness. Discovering devas, devatas, and devis naturally leads to a relationship that can be intimate; do devas, devatas and devis relate with individual human consciousness when it is tuned into them? Bhaktas can feel and know this relationship. But, that is not the topic of this article.


Let us not demean the Vedas (Knowledge of Universe and Cosmos intuitively perceived) by mistranslating the word “Shruti” and making the sages who heard them as hallucinating sages who heard voices. The word shruti is in contrast with “smruti” which means remembered. Shruti though referring to auditory modality indicates direct perception.

Vedas are “not remembered”, meaning they are not composed from any memories. They are “apourusheya”, meaning not originating from human mind (where all compilations are from manipulations of memory or contents of consciousness).  


Vedas are knowledge received in the consciousness by direct perception or intuition. Vedas have become possible from such deep intuitive attunement with the Cosmos or Universal Consciousness. The sages who received such knowledge have attempted to express it in the most spontaneous poetic form, deriving electrifying inspiration from the very revelations and nature of reality that was revealed. Such inspiration has led to the composition of Vedas.

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