The U.S. is not a sovereign nation
by Richard C Cook on 31 Jan 2025 0 Comment

The U.S. is not a sovereign nation. It lost its sovereignty in what I call the “Insurrection of 1913,” when the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax Amendment were passed. The Federal Reserve Act was actually written by the Rothschilds of Europe, with the collusion of the Money Trust headed by the Morgan and Rockefeller interests. The conspiracy was set in motion at Jekyll Island. You can read about this in my book, Our Country, Then and Now.


Since then, the U.S. has served at the pleasure of the globalist financial elite as an instrument in fighting their wars of conquest: against Germany in World Wars I and II, Vietnam and Southeast Asia in the 60s and 70s, Russia and Yugoslavia in the Cold War and the 90s, multiple Muslim nations in the “War on Terror,” and, under President Joe Biden, the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia and Israel’s Gaza War against the Palestinians.


As President Ronald Reagan reportedly said, “He who has the gold rules.” The “gold” in the modern era is the right to print money “out of thin air” via the mechanism of fractional reserve banking combined with usury exacted at compound interest. Through this diabolical mechanism, the global financial elite rule much of humanity, though China, Russia, Iran, and other BRICS nations are breaking away to create a multipolar world.


The headquarters of the globalist financial elite is the City of London, which is now setting up a clearinghouse to market and manipulate U.S. government sovereign debt. The globalist financial elite are the source of money and power for the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, the WHO, etc.


NATO is another globalist instrument. NATO was actually founded by Britain, with the aim to “keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down.” The latest project of the globalists, with Big Pharma and military collusion, is the worldwide COVID “plandemic” as an instrument of mass genocide. The globalists have announced that more “plandemics” are coming.


We are today in American Civil War II, with President Donald Trump cast by history in the role of Abraham Lincoln. The first Civil War was between free labour and national banking against British globalist banking and chattel slavery. British globalist banking was represented in the U.S. by Rothschild agent August Belmont (born Aaron Schönberg).


Civil War II is being fought on similar grounds. For instance, the globalists have filled the country with terrorist gangs. President Trump is starting to remove them.


Lincoln won the Civil War by issuing debt-free Greenbacks, while the globalist bankers of New York and London were offering loans of 30-50 percent interest. The Greenbacks circulated for the rest of the 19th century.


New York banker August Belmont had made himself chairman of the Democratic Party and leader of the Copperheads, running “peace” candidate Gen. George McClellan against Republican Lincoln in the election of 1864. After having won the war, Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 by a British intelligence operative named John Wilkes Booth out of Montreal.


Later, two other Republican nationalist presidents were assassinated – Garfield in 1881 and McKinley in 1901, both by “lone gunman.” The globalists also assassinated President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Kennedy was preparing to issue a debt-free national currency when he was killed.


President Trump, also the target of assassination plots, has begun the process of restoring U.S. sovereignty. Everything he has done so far is aimed at unravelling the control of the globalist financial elite that had reached its zenith under Biden/Harris “wokeism.”


Can he succeed? Will the U.S. be sovereign again? Only time will tell.



Richard C. Cook is co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Space Shuttle, documenting his story in the book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an adviser to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book, Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023. Also see his Three Sages Substack at and his American Geopolitical Institute articles at


“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. Also download the Kober Press edition of The Book on the Living God here. 

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