Sorted by :  May  2024
by Michael Brenner on 31 May 2024 0 Comment

Every large, organized society is marked by lines of contention. The basis for that differentiation can be ethnic, religious, economic class, ascriptive status (caste), or ideological. Today, in America, we are observing a new modality. It takes the form of a line of contention between those who hold positions of power /authority and those subject to its ap...

by James M Dorsey on 30 May 2024 1 Comment

Hamas and its regional supporters, as well as Israeli politicians and vigilantes, are pressuring King Abdullah from both ends of the political spectrum. Iranian-backed Syrian and Iraqi militants seek to draw the kingdom, in which Palestinians account for at least 50 per cent of the population, into the Gaza war. Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran want...

by Abbas Hashemite on 29 May 2024 1 Comment

For decades, the US dollar has dominated the global trade. This became possible after the establishment of the liberal world order. The US dollar enjoyed unparalleled dominance as the leading reserve currency of the world. The US Federal Reserve holds that 96% of international trade invoicing into the Americas, 74% in the Asia-Pacific region, and 79% in othe...

by Veniamin Popov on 28 May 2024 0 Comment

Recently, the European Union and other Western European states have been facing a growing crisis. This state of affairs was best characterised by French President E. Macron, who in several speeches at the end of April and beginning of May stated that Europe was in mortal danger. He also stressed that “everything could fall apart very quickly”. Some Russian p...

by Abbas Hashemite on 27 May 2024 2 Comments

On May 17th President Putin concluded his two-day visit to China. This was his first international visit after he was elected the Russian President for the fifth time. President Putin’s decision to China soon after his re-election defined multiple unfolding geopolitical and geostrategic realities of the world. Currently, Russia and China pose the biggest thr...

by Thierry Meyssan on 26 May 2024 0 Comment

The election of MEPs promises to be deliberately confused. There are still no political parties at European level, despite the fact that they have been talked about for fifty years and enshrined in the treaties, but only European coalitions of national parties, which is not at all the same thing. These coalitions each present a Spitzenkandidat, literally a “...

by Vladislav B Sotirovic on 25 May 2024 0 Comment

The Arabic word intifada means “shaking off” but in the political language as a term, it means “uprising”. More precisely, this term refers to the two Palestinian uprisings on both territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These two territories were occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and the coalition of the Arab states in t...

by Thierry Meyssan on 24 May 2024 0 Comment

Elections for the new European Parliament will be held from June 6 to 9, depending on the member state. Parliamentarians will have very limited power: they will vote on laws drafted by the Commission. Since its creation, the Commission has been NATO’s conveyor belt through the European institutions. It relies on both the Council of Heads of State and Governm...

by Seth Ferris on 23 May 2024 0 Comment

China’s visit to Belgrade on the 25th anniversary of the bombing of their embassy, when taken in conjunction with the cold shoulder given to the US Secretary of State on his arrival in China, should send a clear message to the US. Will the elites in Washington be clever enough to understand it is another question? US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrive...

by Christopher Black on 22 May 2024 1 Comment

On May 26, 2023, I wrote an article titled, Britain At War-Provoking the Consequences, attempting to warn the people of Britain and the West that their role in the war against Russia makes them a direct party to the conflict and that as a consequence, Russia has the right to attack them. It seems the warning has to be repeated because the British, along with...

by Aasha Khosa on 21 May 2024 2 Comments

Na Khuda hi mila, Na visal-e-Sanam; Na Idhar ke rahe, Na udhar ke rahey (I didn’t get to meet God; nor did I meet my beloved; I was left with being neither here nor there). This anonymous and popular Urdu couplet sums up the dilemma of the people of the Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). This is not my opinion but what a young, educated, and well-es...

by James M Dorsey on 20 May 2024 1 Comment

US President Joe Biden doesn’t fit the mould of a high-risk gambler. Yet, gambling is the crux of his velvet glove dealings with Israel. With one eye on Israeli politics and the other on presidential elections in the United States in six months, Mr. Biden is walking a tightrope. The stakes and the costs couldn’t be higher. At its core, despite the administr...

by Thierry Meyssan on 19 May 2024 1 Comment

Although the massacres in Sudan and Congo are far more deadly than those in Palestine, it’s the latter that I’m going to talk about today. Indeed, this is the first time we’ve witnessed ethnic cleansing live on our cell phones. I’d like to come back to some information that I’ve already covered in various articles, but which some media obviously don’t want t...

by Vladislav B Sotirovic on 18 May 2024 0 Comment

Southern Serbia’s autonomous province of Kosovo and Metochia (KosMet) was subject to a gradual, but permanent change in its demographic content during the time of Titoslavia (Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945−1991). Three principal factors were crucial to the drastic demographic change in this Serbian province in favour of ethnic (Muslim) Albanians and at the expen...

by Michael Brenner on 17 May 2024 0 Comment

Let’s examine how this has played out among university officials. Academic authorities include Presidents, Regents /Trustees, and state or local officeholders. One can discern three patterns of behaviour: the fawn, the wolf, the headless chicken. Fawns are vulnerable, defensive, low in self-confidence and instinctively run and hide rather than fight. When ta...

by Michael Brenner on 16 May 2024 0 Comment

Denial of civil liberties, accompanied by punishment for anybody who exposes those violations, has become commonplace in contemporary America. Yet, nothing that the nation has experienced – and that the more discerning protest – prepared us for the grotesque spectacle on display in the brutal suppression of free speech on university campuses. What we witness...

by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme on 15 May 2024 1 Comment

The police crackdown on pro-Palestinian genocide protesters on campuses [1] in a dozen major U.S. academic institutions, including the prestigious Ivy League, is disturbing. In 1968, the emblematic private (sic) Columbia University (New York) was the epicenter of demonstrations against the Vietnam War, which resulted in the police arrest of over 700 students...

by Vladislav B Sotirovic on 14 May 2024 0 Comment

For overwhelming Western political analysts, journalists, scientists, etc., the disappearance of the USSR in 1990/91 was symbolized overdramatically by the physical destruction of the Berlin Wall followed by the removal /destruction of status /monuments devoted to the communist leaders and communist ideology. This geopolitical change called for a new world...

by Viktor Mikhin on 13 May 2024 1 Comment

Iran’s first direct successful attack on Israel for its many brutal attacks on Syria, Lebanon, Iran and the annihilation of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank has dramatically changed the rules for all state and non-state actors in the Middle East. On 13 April, for the first time in nearly 190 days, Palestinians in Gaza were able to sleep without fear of...

by James M Dorsey on 12 May 2024 0 Comment

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has fractured a long-standing pillar of Israeli foreign policy that dictated it always needed to ensure the backing of the United States. Fixing the pillar may prove easier said than done. US President Joe Biden’s insistence that US support for Israel is “ironclad,” despite the conditioning of arms sales, is rooted as much i...

by Thierry Meyssan on 11 May 2024 0 Comment

Emmanuel Macron has never had any regard for French culture. During his first election campaign, he never ceased to mock it. His ambition was to become President of the French Republic, but in his eyes, this only made sense within the European Union. During his two terms in office, he solved few French problems, but patiently built the EU into an empire of s...

by Christopher Black on 10 May 2024 0 Comment

NATO attacks Russia not only with physical weapons, sanctions and propaganda; it also attacks Russia using religion. On April 15, Tass reported that Ukrainian artillery units in Adveevka were given Orthodox Churches as targets for their high explosive shells. That the Nazi Kiev forces attack churches should not perhaps surprise us. The Donbas People’s Republ...

by Saquib Salim on 09 May 2024 0 Comment

Not many cinema aficionados would know that Ila Arun, famous for her peppy Hindi song Choli Ke Peechey..., is also the lyricist, composer, and singer of one of most popular Hindi songs ever produced on women’s political participation. Close to the end of the 10th Lok Sabha in 1995, Ila Arun’s Vote for Ghaghra turned out to be the most popular Indi-Pop song o...

by Michael Brenner on 08 May 2024 0 Comment

The same squalid resort to autocratic methods marks the European scene equally. In Berlin, riot police break into a meeting hall to disband forcibly a peaceful group assembled to discuss how to bring an end to the Gaza tragedy. Foreign participants are banned from ever again setting foot on German soil, a coterie that includes former Greek Treasury Minister ...

by Michael Brenner on 07 May 2024 0 Comment

Is the West launching an all-out war against the global ‘South,’ against the BRICS – plus, against the ‘other’? Are we in the first stages of a civilizational struggle initiated by the US-led assemblage we call the “collective West”? That would have seemed an absurd idea until very recently. How can one reconcile such a dire proposition in the age of Globali...

by Vladislav B Sotirovic on 06 May 2024 1 Comment

The Zionist Israeli-Arab Palestinian conflict today is one of, if not the most significant, global security problems to be dealt with.[1] However, this conflict is historically not much old as it is a pretty modern issue, dating, in fact, since the First Zionist Congress in 1897. The focal question is: What is conflict about? In other words: What are those t...

by Saquib Salim on 05 May 2024 0 Comment

Sukumar Sen, the first Chief Election Commissioner of India, wrote, “The main argument levelled in the past against adult suffrage was the magnitude of the task involved. It was felt that the number of voters under adult suffrage would exceed all reasonable bounds and that its adoption would involve too stupendous an administrative task for the governments. ...

by James M Dorsey on 04 May 2024 2 Comments

An Israeli ground offensive in the southern Gazan enclave of Rafah is a question of when, not if. Not because Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is oblivious to US and international pressure but because it could prove to be make or break for Israel’s embattled leader. Mr. Netanyahu has promised “total victory” in the Gaza war and to “finish the job” in Rafah....

by Thierry Meyssan on 03 May 2024 0 Comment

If the mullahs’ rhetoric is clearly anti-Israeli, relations between the two countries are much more complex than we believe. There are in fact two opposing groups in Iran, one intends to do business by all means with the rest of the world, while the other aims to free people from colonization. The first has not stopped doing business with Israel, while the s...

by Veniamin Popov on 02 May 2024 0 Comment

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States believed that a unipolar world would last forever: year after year, day after day, it became increasingly blatant in its disregard for the interests of others and the opinions of the rest of the world. Then the concept of an international “rules-based order” was born: a group of American scholars, for...

by James M Dorsey on 01 May 2024 2 Comments

They have consequences, whether uttered by government officials, members of parliament, military commanders, religious figures, activists, or pundits. Words become part of a battle of competing narratives in which the narrative is a tool to achieve a political outcome. In the Israeli-Palestinian battle of narratives, they, more often than not, either are des...

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